About us

Chappy and Melou are the artists, designers and creators of the store Rustic 83 and all the brands that go with it.
Their creative artistic thoughts and dreams are endless. This is what inspired them to name and create their store Rustic 83. “The sky is the limit” this is what they were told by a very successful entrepreneur that they look up to and this is how they live out their dreams.
Located in Colorado and growing up on ranches and farms they have a clear understanding of rustic earth elements and how to incorporate something old and create timeless pieces of art and designs. This is how they created their first brand Rustic 83. They started this out of a small garage. With their giving hearts they donated many pieces of art and designs to special causes. They attended and traveled to many charities, celebrity events and auctions. They received a lot recognition and were in the Tennessee times. They quickly realized that this alone could not support their family of four.
Chappy and Melou went to the drawing board again creating Positive Words Apparel Co. This was inspired by their strong belief that no matter what trials or tribulations you are going through in life if you remain positive the out come is always better. So why not “Get your positive on!” So with all their apparel and accessories they are made with 100% positive and marked with a special inspiring positive word. Both Chappy and Melou were at the children's hospital as children and with their life journey it made them realize what life is really about and they have such an appreciation for it. This was very scary and hard to comprehend as children. They want to keep helping as many people and children as they can. Paying it forward with what helped strengthen them and get them through their tough time. They want to spread positive!
They got an RV and took a tour with their two amazing children to figure out how this all works they spoke with many children’s hospitals and many professional entrepreneurs around the country. With the knowledge that they have now they are collaborating with the local charities. Every item that is sold by Positive Words Apparel Co, they donate money back to the kids. Their own children have written books, created stickers, and magnets that have been donated to the Children’s hospital.
They have recently been blessed with another healthy beautiful baby. With the expansion of their family they have expanded their business also. Socken Haus 83 is the new brand specializing in socks and sleeves for school, sports and just plain fun!
The past is history the future is a mystery and the present is a gift that is why they call it present. Live life to the fullest and have fun! Get your Positive On!